Yes! You can buy multiple promo codes for the same
email. All these promo codes can be activated after character creation.
Is it possible to sharpen a temporary epic from a kit?
No, you can't, but the Epic Jewelry sets are already
at +6.
Are purchased items transferable?
More often than not, items cannot be transferred or
What is the Rune of Generosity?
Rune for 30 minutes increases by +20% rares for
How do I activate services from the kit?
After opening the starter pack in the game, all services
from the set
are automatically activated. If you have already activated a similar service, its
its validity time will be extended.
Can I pass the kit on to a friend?
You can't give the set away in-game, so it's better to buy
the promo code in advance.
and give it to a friend. Temporary epic costume jewelry is not transferable in the